School of Connection

There is a deep longing for connection with our Father God in each one of us.  When there is disconnection and a lack of genuinely experiencing His love and presence in our lives, many issues and struggles can emerge.

It has been our experience that the answer for the believer isn’t more activity, but that true transformation is found in reducing the noise and static in our lives and encountering our Father through a relationship with Jesus, and then learning how to live a life cultivating a deep abiding connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

From this place of intimacy and abiding, He promises that we will bear much fruit. Fruit that will last. Fruit that comes from intimacy, not striving. He says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

If He is speaking to you about slowing down, being still and connecting with Him, consider applying to participate in a 6 week School of Connection in Uruguay where you will have a chance to grow and cultivate a connection with your Heavenly Daddy.

The School will focus on strengthening your connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It will help provide tools to walk out a daily connection with Him and others.

It will also give you experience loving and serving others who need to know their true Father.  We will have weekly day camps with children from Uruguayan orphanages.


Each day of the school will look different, but there will be regularly scheduled and spontaneous times of:

  • Personal and corporate worship
  • School of Connection class times
  • Connecting with God and learning to hear His voice 
  • Connecting with one another
  • Chores on the farm and living spaces
  • Times of playing, creating and enjoying the beautiful farm
  • Cooking and eating good food together
  • Loving on Uruguayan children and teaching them about a Father who loves them

School of Connection Specifics

Dates: The next School of Connection will be January 12th through  February 22nd 2025 .

Location: Fields of the Fatherless Farm in San Jose, Uruguay

Cost:  $450 This provides your food at the farm, lodging and local transportation for the 6 week school, ($75/week)*

For personal spending and short day trips in Uruguay we recommend bringing $100 US, or more depending on your spending habits and personal needs.

You will be also responsible for airfare to the Montevideo airport. We will pick you up at the airport and transport you to the farm, and also take you back for your return flight.

Language: School of Connection Classes will be bilingual, (in English and Spanish). Our outreach times to children and youth will be in Spanish. It’s helpful if you can speak Spanish, but fortunately there are lots of other ways to communicate with the children than just using words.

*We know it costs a lot to travel to Uruguay, and so scholarships are available for the food, lodging and transportation portion of the school.

Gary and Cathy Stallings have lived on the Fields of the Fatherless Farms for 16 years and they like to share their home and the truths they have learned with those who are hungry for more of Him.

If you would like to talk with us or have any questions, please contact us at

If you are interested in the school, please click on the link  below to fill out an application.

School of Connection Application